Tag: Work Management

  • Business Management Tips For Festive Seasons Like Diwali

    Business Management Tips For Festive Seasons Like Diwali

    Diwali and New Year are two of the most celebrated and profitable seasons for many businesses. Managing your business during these festive seasons can be challenging, as you want to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends but don’t want to lose sight of your business goals and performance.  You might be worried about…

  • Task Management System to Avoid Procrastination

    Task Management System to Avoid Procrastination

    Imagine sitting at your desk, staring at a long to-do list. You know you must start working on it, but you can’t get motivated. You keep coming up with other things to do, like checking email, scheduling meetings with your clients, or reviewing work from your co-workers. By the end of the day, you’ve made…

  • How do you balance flexibility and accountability in managing hybrid teams?

    How do you balance flexibility and accountability in managing hybrid teams?

    Hybrid teams, comprising both remote and in-office employees, have gained popularity since the pandemic. Yet, overseeing such teams presents distinct challenges in finding the right equilibrium between flexibility and accountability. How can you maintain productivity, engagement, and alignment with your goals while honoring individual preferences, needs, and autonomy? Here are some tips to help you…

  • The Future of Work: Adapting to Remote and Hybrid Environments with Technology

    The Future of Work: Adapting to Remote and Hybrid Environments with Technology

    A decade ago, remote work was not common and was only allowed as a special arrangement. As remote work tools and technologies have improved, some businesses have transitioned to having entirely remote teams, relying on virtual communication and collaboration to carry out their operations. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work, which has…

  • Task Tracker Suite: A Complete Package For Scaling Your Business

    Task Tracker Suite: A Complete Package For Scaling Your Business

    Scaling a business is a challenge and it takes some patience and perseverance. While these 2P’s (patience and perseverance) form the core and take time, there is something that you can fasten up in the process. What we are talking here about is the management of the work and sales that require day-to-day efforts. There…

  • 2023 Loading… Get Your Team Management Right Before The New Year

    The new year, 2023 is just around the corner. With the new year comes new year resolutions and plans of action. Why waste the next 50-odd days before 2023 to put those resolutions into action? Logical right, however many of you might not have thought that way. As the title might have given you an…

  • Working Remotely: A Quick Guide To Managing Tasks And Being Productive

    Remote working comes with its own sets of pros and cons. While pros like the flexibility of work, saving travel time, and getting the work-life balance right are cool, the cons like laziness and a fall in productivity are matters of concern. Now, working remotely is a new normal that is here to stay (and…

  • Stuck On Sticky Notes? It’s Time To Adopt Modern Ways Of Work Management

    See your working desk, do you find those yellow sticky notes all around you? If yes, then you are stuck in the old way of work management. Saying so, we don’t want to discourage the practice of writing down the things to be done. The point here is that would that sticky note remind you…

  • To-do list: A Productive Key To Unlock Growth

    A lot of things are talked about and discussed in relation to productivity each day.  On the internet when you search the term productivity you would find multiple hacks, tips, techniques, expert talks, etc. But before productivity hacks, productivity-boosting tips, etc. it’s important that we talk about the basics. Our focus here is to tell…

  • How Efficiency & Productivity Are Proportionate To Each Other

    Efficiency + Management = Productivity + Growth, get this equation right for your business Peter Drucker once said, “Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things”. Growing a business requires both, doing things right and doing the right thing. It starts with day-to-day task management to tracking the task for its progress…

  • How Task Tracker Helps The IT Industry

    People and organizations from across the globe have a common observation. An organization with bad practices is largely created due to a disorganized workforce which can cause huge implications. Despite following numerous industry best practices, some workplaces fail to understand the nerve of the organization i.e. Their workforce and due to lack of discipline, accountability,…

  • Here’s How Task Tracker Helps Consultants Boost Their ROI By 300%

    Do you feel that people management is time-consuming, cumbersome, and often underrated? Do you feel that work productivity is likely to increase when the overhead of the workforce is simplified? If the answers to both the above questions are a resounding yes, then you are right. Sometimes industry best practices fail to deliver results as…

  • Email - support@tasktracker.io
  • Phone - +91 9319185740, +971 52 3859096
  • Registered Office - Task Tracker, 4th/F, H.No.15, Pratap Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase- 1, East Delhi, Delhi, 110091 India.
  • Registered Office - Task Tracker Suite, iAccel Gulf Business Incubator LLC, 2nd Floor, Business Village Block A, Deira - Dubai.
  • CIN - U72900DL2021PTC386863
